sâmbătă, 12 iunie 2010

Guide: how to hack iphone games

I'm releasing the guide (tutorial) on how to hack iphone games.
Want to get it? Simple: you donate 5$ using paypal (the paypal donation button is on the blog) and you'll get the guide mailed to the email address from which the donation came

The guide covers 2 hack methods:
1. the 'not enough' message tracking (it's the message you receive when you don't have enough of something. example: not enough money to buy something'). for this method i used 'Plants vs Zombies' as target
2. the 'interesting' functions/routines keyword tracking (we search for keywords that interests us and find the code that interests us). for this method i used 'Alive 4-ever RETURNS' and i choose '1 hit kill' for demonstration

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