vineri, 28 mai 2010

Splinter Cell Conviction

Target: Splinter Cell Conviction v1.0.0 (latest version)
Game genre: action/stealth
Platform: iphone/itouch
Other details: iphone version of the well known Splinter Cell series
Hack features:
- invulnerability
- 1 hit kill
- super stealth
- sonar goggles and portable EMP
- unlimited
  • ammo
  • sonar goggles
  • portable EMP
  • hand grenades,
  • flash grenades
  • spy grenades
- unlock all missions
EXTRA: walk through walls, speed hack
*you can choose what features you like and discard the others
Hack Screenshot:

Hack requirements:
-jailbroken iphone/itouch
-Link Identity Editor(ldid) from Cydia
-latest Splinter Cell Conviction version
How to apply the hack:
-SSH into your game's dir(something like:
-move 'SplinterCell' to the same folder on your PC as the patcher (link below)
-apply the patch to 'SplinterCell'
-put back 'SplinterCell' in the '' folder on your idevice
-using your iphone/itouch 'Terminal' go to '' folder
-in Terminal type: chmod 775 SplinterCell then press [return]
-in Terminal type: ldid -s Splintercell the press [return]
-test your new hacked game


3 comentarii:

  1. Is it possible to have this hack with a donation (less than the 2$95 from CheatScapes) ?

  2. HBK seems like a nice guy... I dont think he would refuse your offer...
