joi, 22 aprilie 2010

Request here your hacks

Leave a comment in which you request a hack for a game. You may get lucky :)

56 de comentarii:

  1. Not sure if you are working on it already bit can you edit unlimited super for Street Fighter IV the same way you did for unlimited ultra? Damage can still be really low with empty super bar

  2. hi
    nice work on hacking these games :D
    just wanted to request cheats for football manager 2010 on the ipod/ iphone
    thanks and keep up the good work

  3. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  4. I would like to request another doodle jump hack< >
    If you did this it would be sweet!!!Also Could you include monster protection aswell?

  5. captain binary for iphone
    infin health/lives
    dont loose weapons or ammo
    simpsons arcade make hack better than cheapscapes hack
    redneck vs alien health weapons ammo
    family guy more lives and health
    commando weapons
    castle of fantasy hp specialpowers health
    zombieland health weapons?????
    these are my favorite games on my iphone and i play them all the time i would love to get some hacks for them since no one else wants to touch them except for the evil cheatscape who charges you $5 for a file not the real game that they hacked

  6. Solomon's Keep, I would like to have money hack only if it's possible.

  7. awesome dude......same here with Chris i need to FM 2010...........

  8. If you update ur current crack to work for iron man 2 it would be great

    Thanks alot in advance...!!!

    Already u r doing a great job buddy....!!

  9. Any sports game (Hokey Nation, and soccer game, madden, NBA).

    Any MMO downloadable content (Seed, Pocket Legends)

    PuzzleQuest (DLC for Chapter III)

    Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies

    Outstanding work on these hacks! Thanks for everything.

  10. Could u make a hack for the latest hero of sparta by gameloft please and thank you

  11. I know you have already posted several Doodle Jump hacks, but please could you make another one that could change you jump hight or umlimited rockets? Thank You

  12. Another thought for a hack could be for Angry Birds, could you possibly create one that gave you 3 stars every time?

  13. could you make a hack for Driver to unlock the cheats? it has 2 cheats built into it already but you cant use them until you finish the game.. Driver is an extremely hard game to beat lol

    i dont even want the cheats for campaign, only for free-roam like i used to on my PS1. thank you very much if you decide to do this for me :)

  14. could you make a hack for wolfenstein RPG , Bruce Lee Dragon Warrior and Hawx thank you very much.

  15. i would love a hack for Solomon's Keep

    thanks, great work!

  16. how about gt racing motor academy jus a hack for credits or sumthing

  17. Can u make hacks for ninjatown trees of doom pls ty

  18. sandstorm for unlimited ammo faster moving and one shot kills and all levels unlocked even extreme and maybe even steady aim plz try to fulfill this request alot of my friends want this

  19. please update the cheats on Alive 4-ever return. its version 1.1.1 now.. (: love ur hack. thanks!

  20. Zenonia v1.4
    like the first edition of the series

  21. wondering if you have the princess fury hack?

  22. @im.nt.ray: zenonia v1.1.2 will be available for download in less than 24 hours. Enjoy!

  23. Got any hacks for baseball superstars 2010?and soccer superstars 2010?they are both gamesvil games iphone thanks

  24. Im not sure if you got a request about this but can you hack Axion?

  25. Football Manager 2010!
    -Unlimited $

    Bejeweled - Bejeweled Blitz
    - Add a minute/more multipliers

    Call Of Duty Zombies!
    Infinite ammo, health
    reduce time it takes to rebuild barriers
    free weapons
    one hit kill

    unlimited spending points for players stats

    Pocket god
    - all free in-app purchases


  26. Requests:

    Attack and Destroy:
    All units unlocked
    Infinite health

  27. hbk: can you please have hacks for hybrid: eternal whisper (latest version)

    any hack is fine. infinite health, max level, etc. whatever you can pull off.


  28. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  29. OMG, you are a god for hacking so many games, i always wanted to be a hacker, can you teach me please, my e-mail is ""

  30. hack zenonia2 v.1.5

    set item... at Girl Network

    $0.49 - $4.99 you know ok

  31. Hi!
    I hope you could get me a payback (from apex designs) hack!
    Or if you have a fulle savegame from it, I'm also happy :)

    thanks anyway!

  32. A tut on how to install the N.O.V.A. hacks that have been floating around would be nice

  33. Hi mate awesome blog! Man i dnt have wifi connection and it is very much impossible for me to get one.
    It would be very nice of u if u culd upload POP WW's cracked and *hacked* ipa (if possible) so that i can just download and sync. I already have appsync.

  34. um, just making sure, you have to pay for each of these hacks, right?

  35. but when i clicked the dungeon hunter link it brought me here which seems like you have to pay three dollers for it.

  36. we're moving the blog to a new host and the hacks will be free again

  37. Hi.I have some request if you could do them.

    1.Iron Man 2 - When a item is collected,all the 50 items to unlock.

    2.NOVA - When a ammo crate is hacked,all the ammo crates be hacked.

    Thanks in advance.You did a great job with these.Keep up the good work

    P.S.I'm waiting your response.

    Can you make mods for Blades of Fury,Real Footlball 2010,Earthworm Jim,HAWX too.
    - Blades of Fury : when we win 1 Survival match,we won 100,the MP trophies needs to be unlocked too (they are only local MP)
    - Real Football : a mod so that unlock all the trophies.
    - Eartworm Jim : unlock all the trophies
    - HAWX : unlock all the trophies

  38. jenele ai putea sa parlesti in romana ca nu ne suparam

  39. Salut.Ai putea face aceste cheat-uri? Sau macar sa-mi zici cum sa fac.In primul rand ma intereseaza cum sa unlockez item-urile si ammo crate-urile,iar la Shrek 4 toate bonus item-urile.In al doilea rand :
    - In Blades of Fury viata nelimitata in Survival si unlockarea trofeelor MP.
    - la celelealte jocuri toate trofeele.

    P.S.Scuze daca te-am deranjat,dar majoritatea jocurilor nu au nici un hack/nu au hack-ul item-urilor colectabile.Daca nu ai timp ai putea sa-mi zici cum sa fac.Mersi anticipat ;)

  40. Can you hack baseball superstars 2010 for all secrets characters and infinite g-points and money? Thx

  41. "Football Manager 2010!
    -Unlimited $

    Bejeweled - Bejeweled Blitz
    - Add a minute/more multipliers

    Call Of Duty Zombies!
    Infinite ammo, health
    reduce time it takes to rebuild barriers
    free weapons
    one hit kill

    unlimited spending points for players stats

    Pocket god
    - all free in-app purchases"

  42. Pentru JeNel

    JeNel ai 48 de ore la dispozitie sa faci curatenie pe net sa dispara ABC auto v.2.0 Keygen, nu cred ca iti dai seama ce faci si cat de simplu e sa dam de tine.
    Iti spun o singura data si asta cu frumosul.

  43. I would like to request a modern combat 2 hack please

  44. I would like to request a texas zynga poker hack please

  45. Can u hack Modern Combat 4 Multiplayer? :D

  46. Honor of Kings Map Hack & Antiban please!
