Game genre: Action
Platform: iphone/itouch
Other details: huge set of weapons, skills, zombies etc
Hack features:
-weapons hack: you get all the weapons for free from the beginning
-skills hack: all skills available from the beginning
-equipment hack: all equipment items available from the beginning
-1 hit kill: you can kill any monster with only 1 shot
*you can choose what features you like and discard the others
Hack Screenshot:
Hack requirements:
-jailbroken iphone/itouch
-Link Identity Editor(ldid) from Cydia
-latest Alive 4-ever RETURNS version
How to apply the hack:
-SSH into your game's dir(something like:
-move 'A4ER' to the same folder on your PC as the patcher (link below)
-apply the patch to 'A4ER'
-put back 'A4ER' in the '' folder on your idevice
-using your iphone/itouch 'Terminal' go to '' folder
-in Terminal type: chmod 775 A4ER then press [return]
-in Terminal type: ldid -s A4ER the press [return]
-test your new hacked game
wow thx, can you hack elemental monster TD, ninja TD, Across Age, Final Fantasy II, Tehra...a bunch of good games,:D
RăspundețiȘtergerethe link to the alive 4 ever return seem not to be working. mind sending it to
if possible, appreciate if you can send me link for ldid. my cydia has some problems
the download link works fine. i've just check it.
RăspundețiȘtergereyou can download ldid from here:
Can you update the hack?
RăspundețiȘtergereSorry seems like the hack may work ldid does not work for me. Returns errors about a missing header file.
RăspundețiȘtergereI'm wonderin when this will be released again. This stated as coming soon for weeks now thanks
RăspundețiȘtergereAre all downloads directed to cheatscapes website? Because it seems all the install directions are completely different.
RăspundețiȘtergerein a couple of days it should be ready. took some time because there's a new version of the game
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks hbk. I'm looking forward to it :)
RăspundețiȘtergerein less than 24 hours it will be available for download.
RăspundețiȘtergerewtf 2,95 $ ? no way
RăspundețiȘtergere$2.95 is too expansive for an iPhone game. I seriously doublt people will buy your cheating for that price...
RăspundețiȘtergere$2.95 is the minimum that you can set on cheatscapes
RăspundețiȘtergerewell that's gay. I rather buy the game for 1.99$ than a crack for 2.95.
RăspundețiȘtergereSo why are you charging for your hack? Has ANYONE bought it? Dude, just release it to the public.
RăspundețiȘtergereit will be released soon
RăspundețiȘtergereWhere's the hack? Download link??? You fucking moron.